Thursday, January 5, 2017

#3Ehairupdate: 2016 final length check

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I haven't been blogging much because I have just been so busy with family, my full time job and fulfilling AyoBE Boutique orders. 

Here is my long overdue hair update. I haven't really done anything new as far as my hair goes in 2016. I am bad with heat as far as using heating tools on my hair so for me, it is easy to stay away from heat. I wore it down most of 2016 because I was recovering from postpartum shedding and wanted to hide the edges. 
For the most part, I prefer it down because it frames my face better. :-).

Anyways, here's a recap from my 2015 hair update.

My hair journey dates are below. Based on this, you can say the hair on my head is technically 3-years old. Even though my big chop didn't happen until October 2014.

Last texlax: 10/2013
Decision to go natural: 02/2014
Big Chop: 10/2014
First flat iron on natural hair: 12/31/2015
Last flat iron: 12/19/2016
Next flat iron: 12/18/2017

Here is my length status pre-trim. 

Length as of 12/16/16:
Middle: 12 inches
Back right: 13.5 inches
Back left: 14.25 inches
Front: 14 inches

On Monday, I decided to go get my hair flat ironed and trimmed. 

I washed with a clarifying shampoo and deep conditioned my hair before going. Of course, when I got there, because I was in such a rush, turns out I had some leftover conditioner on my hair. So it had to be rinsed out thoroughly. Not a bad thing. 

I also brought my own heat protectant because I had forgotten to bring it with me in 2015.

This time, I was also determined to be more vocal about what I wanted and I am glad I was.

The process...

Fully blown out and pre-trim.

Post trim and flat ironed with curls. I should not that the stylist offered to level my hair at the back (scroll up to the length difference). I told her not to because my hair ALWAYS grows like this. I have had other stylist cut it only for it to grow back the same way. I believe it is because of the way I sleep. I don't have a problem with the unevenness anyways since I don't wear it straight most times so for me, I didn't feel it was necessary. 

However, I got a solid inch trimmed. I also made her show it to me before she started. Yes, I have been the victim of scissor happy stylists in the past. 
Here are the end results. 

I am now officially mid-back length. Granted, just by a smidget since my hair at the back is JUST past my bra straps. WOOHOO! 2016 hair goal accomplished.

So I goofed as far as using the same tape measure to get the length. HOWEVER, I did wear the same shirt. So I'll be repeating some of the pictures from above so you can do a comparison. 

Pre-trim: Past the blue skirt on the shirt.

Post-trim: Mid-way down the skirt on the shirt.

Pre-trim: At the girl's mouth on the shirt.

Post-trim: W.T.H 😲??? OK. In all seriousness, I don't think I did a good stretch here 😃.

Pre-trim: Past Ayo-BE.

Post-trim: At Ayo-BE.

And since I have confused you above, here is a collage of where I left things off in 2016 as far as my hair length is concerned.

I am not very good at maintaining straight hair so by day 5, I was SOOOOO over it!

And by day 8, I deep conditioned and washed it. WHEW! Now I feel like me again :-). Pictures courtesy of my little JOE. Hair accessories by AyoBE Boutique.

Overall, I am really enjoying my natural hair and I have pretty much decided to stay natural for the foreseeable future. I mean, it works for me and is so easy on my wallet :-).

I am trying out a couple of new products this year and will let you know how things go with it. 

In the meantime, how is your hair journey coming along? Did you reach your goals? 

My new hair goal for 2017 is have healthy and full mid-back length hair by the end of the year. 

If you'd like to see my progress throughout the year, be sure to follow me on Instagram. I'll be posting my updates there with the hashtag "3Ehairupdate".  

Have a fabulously blessed New Year!


  1. So much growth! Yay !!

    What heat protectant do you use? I'm thinking that I'll finally get around to straightening my hair this year but I'm SO scared, lol.

    1. Thank you! This is the one I used.

      I got it from Amazon and love it. I've been lucky both times when I got my hair straightened because damage has been VERY minimal. Could also be because I only do it once a year. My hair is also very fine so it doesn't take much to mess up the curl bond which is why I stay away from heat.
      Hope that helps.
      Looking forward to seeing your updates!


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