I missed this last week but wanted to still post about it.
I often spend time browsing through the internet when I am pumping in the evenings. I have since dropped my evening pumps so I will have to find another time to catch up on the world :-).
I was HORRIFIED when I read this article. I can't believe someone actually did this. Kudos to this lady for not focusing on it and moving forward.
I often spend time browsing through the internet when I am pumping in the evenings. I have since dropped my evening pumps so I will have to find another time to catch up on the world :-).
If you didn't see this, you should. I didn't watch the VMA awards but there was so much chatter about this that I had to find the clip on YouTube. I mean, REALLY? I was SHOCKED to see this. What happened to Hanna Montana? This girl is really very troubled and someone needs to get her some help. I refuse to believe that she actually thinks this is art. No way no how! This is not art. This is FOOLERY!
I was HORRIFIED when I read this article. I can't believe someone actually did this. Kudos to this lady for not focusing on it and moving forward.

I want to really grow my hair. It grew quite a bit when I was pregnant but post partum shedding and not having time to care for my hair has taken a toll on it. Trying to get back to where I was before. But I saw this article and had to scratch my head. How on earth does she carry this around?
Breastfeeding/nursing for me has been quite a challenge (latching issues, plugged ducts, mastitis...). I am glad to say that after 10-months, I will be stopping soon to get my body back before we start trying for another. I also have enough pumped milk to last JOE through 14-months.