
Friday, October 16, 2015

JAE‘s rings and JOE's glasses

Yes, JAE's got rings. Earrings that is :-). 

A few weekends ago, JAE got her ears pierced. 

While our state does not have a restriction on when you can do it, they do recommend that babies be at least 4-months or have gotten their 4-month shots before they do it. Our pediatrician's office has a nurse who does it for a fee. However, we took JOE to the mall to get hers done almost 3 years ago and it turned out great so we decided to do the same for JAE. 

I know there is a lot of controversy about when to do it. Do it when the child asks for it when they're older or do it when they are little? Well, I am one of 4 girls and we all got ours done before we were even a week old. Granted, I wouldn't do it so early for a baby but I would rather it be done before the child has better coordination. That way, it can completely heal without interruptions. An older child might be too scared or might not let you care for it as you should. 

J and I talked at length about this one before the girls were born and we both ultimately agreed that we would get it done while they are babies.

JAE turned 4 months before we left for our trip to Aruba but because we were going to be outside the country, I didn't want her having an open wound (albeit a very small one) while we were out of the country just incase anything went wrong. 

The weekend after we got back, we all went to get it done. The morning before, I took pics with both my girls.


I just love her different facial expressions.

Then we got to the mall. This picture was taken before she got it done. 

Me and my baby :-). 

Then it was time to mark it and then do the piercing. 

Daddy holding his little girl before she got her first piercing.

JAE cried for maybe 10-seconds. It was so brief that the lady behind us asked if she had missed it because she didn't hear the baby cry.

Newly pierced ears. 

Oh I think she loves it. That look of hers. Almost like she is saying "I'm cute and I know it!"

I love her little curls. 

Afterwards, J had to get new glasses. 

While he looked for a pair that looked good on him, JOE decided to try on some pairs. She looked so cute in them so I took some pictures of my other baby girl.

So there you have it, rings and glasses! Hope you had a great week. Have a wonderful weekend and remember to be kind to strangers.


  1. This was such a cute post. Jae looks adorable with her ears pierced and Joe looks so precious trying on those glasses.
    I hope you are all having a great weekend... :)

  2. I'm still so scared to get my little girls ear's pierced. I don't know why though. I had mine pierced as a baby so I need to get over it. I guess I'm afraid of something going wrong. Thanks for posting about it.

    JOE looks sooo cute with those glasses. Maybe you can get her a fashion pair for dress up?!


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