
Monday, October 19, 2015

JAE is SIX months!

A couple of weeks ago, my baby turned 6-months! I can't believe how quickly time is moving. I have said this before and will continue to say it. 

A week before she turned 6-months, JOE started crawling! Well, belly crawling that is. I was SHOCKED when I saw her do it and now, she is full on crawling. Her sister didn't crawl until closer to 8-months. Check out her video below. 

THEN as if that was not enough, she started pulling herself up using anything she can lean on. I mean, who is chasing this child??? I am so proud of her but as a mom, I am also missing her baby stage and can see how quickly it is going by. 

Anyways, she started on "solids" a couple of weeks before her 1/2 birthday. So far, she likes carrots and sweet potatoes. 

At first, she wasn't sure about it. 

But she kept an open mind and tried it. 

Hmmm...still not sure...

Then she figured. Hmmm...not so bad. 

Let me have some more please mom. 

We visited Dutch Wonderland for her 1/2 birthday. More on that on Wednesday. But since we weren't home, I didn't get a chance to take any real pictures. Plus I wanted to wait until after her 6-month visit to the pediatrician to get some idea of her growth. 
Well, my baby is definitely growing. She went from the 13th percentile in weight in August to the 41st percentile in October. Grow baby grow!!! She is in the 65th percentile in height. Woohoo!!! 
She also now comfortably fits into 6-month clothes :-). 
Still no teeth but JOE didn't get teeth until she was past 1 and the pediatrician said it runs in families and from looking at her, he didn't think her teeth were anywhere close to coming in. Oh well...she is content with gumming the food I give her so no worries. 

Now that she is mobile, it is harder to keep her in one place. Here are all the outtakes from the session. 

After our photo session, JOE wanted to take some selfies with us so here's one of me and my girls.

If you like this onsie, you can find it here

We just love JAE so much and are so thankful to God each day that he chose J and I to be her parents. She really has been a blessing to our family and has brought so much joy to us. 

Have a fabulously blessed week!


  1. Happy 6 months JAE, you have grown so much in the last few months. It's been an absolutely pleasure to watch you turn into a happy smiley kid.

    J, this girl is hitting all kinds of milestones I tell you and by the way your daughters always have so much hair from birth. So awesome.

  2. Happy 6 months JAE! I agree they're growing wayyyy to fast!! Bless them x

  3. Six months already??? Happy 1/2 birthday, Jae! She is just so adorable... :)

  4. Happy 6 months JAE! I can't believe how quickly 6 months went! And goodness you make the most gorgeous children. She is just beautiful!

  5. My heart, sweetheart she so cute! Want to see you all when I'm in town in December :)


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