
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Vacation 2013

This year, for our vacation, we went to The Hague in the Netherlands. We initially planned on going to Germany for a few days but decided a week before we left to scrap that and save Germany for when we actually have time to do real tours instead of rushing through.
With that said, my baby got to go on her first international flight and she did GREAT! She wasn't a fan of the flight going but coming back, she was a pro! During our time in The Hague, we also visited the beach. It was amazing. We got to walk on the beach and JOE DID NOT like it one bit. She kept screaming the minute her feet was put in the sand. We had to carry her while J & I walked on the beach. Oh well...she takes after her momma in that regard :-).
She also got her first stamp on her passport. Hopefully, she'll enjoy traveling as much as I do :-).

I didn't put these in order because there's a lot. But I didn't want to do multiple posts so here are our vacation pics!. Enjoy!

View from one of the tallest buildings in the Hague. We also had a light lunch at the top of the building.

Portrait of judges at the Peace Palace. It was good to see all races represented here.

This was at a gas station. Check out the website. Yup...big brother is watching!

My family!

Peace Palace

JOE & I at the Peace Palace. She was clearly more interested in the person standing next to her dad than in taking this pic :-).

At the beach. Looking cool in her sunglasses!

While out for a walk.

What is that saying? A picture is worth a thousand words?

A small scale version of the Peace Palace

Thought this was interesting.

Are the guests easy or is it the location?

At the Peace Palace. Check out his age!

My handsome hubby <3

No free refills so I had to SAVOR every single drop :-).


At the Peace Palace. Can this book tell me how to become rich? I thought the title was interesting.

I have never eaten with wooden utensils before. This was certainly a first for me :-)

Overall, we had a blast. It was 8-days of R & R with my family. JOE had a good time but its been a little challenging for her getting back into her routine. Hoping it gets better soon.

Have a fabulous week all!

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  1. That's awesome that she did well on the flight!

    Looks like a great time! JOE is so cute! I love seeing her with your hubs. So sweet :)

    1. Thank you. Seeing JOE and her dad makes me heart melt when they are doing their daddy daughter thing :-).

  2. Awww, hope JOE grows to love the beach one day. Already jet setting, LOVE!!!!

    Fanta here looks REALLY orange....lol (random I know, but it just looks strange).

    1. Not sure she will. I still don't like the beach but hopefully, she can at least tolerate it. I like to sit and watch people :-).

      Our Fanta in the states also looks more orange than that.

  3. This is such a lovely family holiday. I love the picture of your family and JOE is super adorable

  4. how fun...love that you took JOE and it went well. love all the sights and sees!

    1. Thank you! We sure did and making these new memories with her in them makes it all the more special.

  5. Looks like such a fun trip, glad you didn't attempt to do the Germany portion and stress yourself. Traveling with kids is definitely about taking it slow and enjoying things at a much relaxed pace.

    I love that I have actually met your hubby and JOE now, they are like real people to me :)

    JOE and that happy smile, loving all the pics.

    1. It sure was. You are so right about traveling with kids. Can't rush things. Hubby and I will have to start taking that into consideration when we travel because we would like for our kids to know the world too :-).

  6. Hahahaa! Badhotel? Now that's just funny!

    1. It sure it. From what I was told, "Bad" actually means good or comforting in dutch. So in essence, it is so good, it is bad :-).

  7. so glad your flights went smoothly.

    doesn't it always seem like kids are more interested in the person standing beside the camera rather than looking at the person holding it? I think it's the movement that distracts them!

    looks like you guys really enjoyed your trip :)

    1. Thank you. You are so right. JOE is often more interested in the people walking by or standing next to us than she is in us whenever we go out.
      We did enjoy our trip :-). Thanks!

  8. It seems like you are enjoying the life to its fullest !!! I just feel like packing my stuff and go for a trip now :))



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