
Thursday, August 8, 2013

I'm baaaaccckkkk!!!

We just got back from The Netherlands yesterday and we had a great time. It was relaxing and fun at the same time. J & I got to walk the beach with our princess JOE and we visited a few sites we haven't visited in the past.
JOE was an excellent traveler and even though the time change is doing a number on her today, all things considered, she did GREAT! She also turned 9-months yesterday! I can't believe how fast she is growing.

I'll blog about our trip after we are fully settled but for now, just wanted to say hello. I'll be catching up on what I've missed in the past week and half.

On our way there. JOE is clearly not feeling it.

Can't believe I have a 9-month old. Where did the time go?

My <3! This was at my sister's place in The Hague yesterday before we left to head back to the States. 

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  1. YAY, welcome back. We've missed you. So glad JOE did well on the trip. Can't wait to hear your recap

  2. Awwww! JOE is soooooooooo cute!! Welcome back :)

  3. Welcome back!

    JOE is so beautiful! 9 months! How crazy!


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