
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Another birthday celebration

Last week was so crazy that I never got a chance to blog. I had training all of last week.

Check out the text book we went through. Thankfully, we did not have to go through each individual page. However, it was a very tedious class! The great thing though is that I came away with a lot of knowledge that I can apply to my current job so all's not wasted.

J's birthday was last week Thursday. To celebrate, JOE and I baked him a cake. She was definitely a pretty good helper. But ummm...it is HARD WORK baking a cake with a toddler! Especially when pregnant. I don't know how many times I had to bend down to clean up a mess. In it all though, it was fun to bake for J with JOE. I cherish these moments.

The weekend before last, JOE picked out these decorations for her dada's cake. Yes I know, they are somewhat girly but she insisted and J didn't have the heart to say no.

Other ingredients that went on the cake. Did I mention that J loves peanut butter?

The end results. The placement of the flowers and chicks were all JOE's doing. She insisted on removing some and placing them in other places. And when she got chocolate on her hands, she insisted on her hands being cleaned BEFORE she did the next placement. Yup...it was a long process.

JOE was very happy with her accomplishment.

Clearly, J liked it cause he's had a piece every night since his birthday. JOE couldn't help but tell J about her adventures in baking when he got back from work. 

For his birthday, J got a customized birthday card book from JOE. JOE's childcare provider helped her make the book. It really turned out so nice and J loved his card. 

In addition to the card, JOE also made J a "masterpiece". I really love this because the fish is made from her palm print.

To continue our celebration, J & I went on our own grown up date (sans baby) to where else but Bertucci's? It is J's favorite restaurant. And he orders THE SAME THING everytime we go there. I am hoping that when he sees this post, it'll inspire him to order something else next time :-). I doubt it though.

 After all was said and done, I was SOOOOO tired. I told J I wanted to ride a motorized scooter at our next stop. I knew he wouldn't let me so I made him sign it on the box of leftover pizza and took a picture just incase. 

I didn't get a chance to ride the scooter that day but I did the following day :-). But then I felt ridiculous and JOE was looking at me funny so they both guilted me into returning the scooter. Not fair! My feet were swollen!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are having a great week so far!


  1. Happy Birthday J. That cake look so good that I now crave chocolate.

  2. The end is so close. Looking forward to the good news about her arrival.

    I love the gift idea for J and getting JOE so involved in the process, that is super sweet. Happy birthday to J.

  3. Ahhh you are so close! How sweet is the gift from JOE to her dad...super sweet!! the picture of you on the scooter is too funny!

  4. Happy Birthday J! I know it was even more work, but it's great that Joe helped you with J's cake and she seemed to be so proud of herself. I really loved the cards Joe made for J, too... so precious... :)


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