
Friday, February 13, 2015

A week of changes and new beginnings

It has certainly been a busy but good week.

This week marked my first week at my new job. The job is definitely going to keep me very busy but the people and work is meaningful and I am excited about it. I always say the people make the job and working with smart people who are also friendly and willing to help is just icing on the cake. Praying that continues.

This week is also the last week for JOE's current nanny. She's been with us since JOE was 6-weeks old! We will very much miss her. She truly has been a blessing to our family and she came and helped us out when we didn't even know what we needed. We pray that God prospers the works of her hands and blesses her even as she has blessed us.

This week also marked my 32nd-week of pregnancy with #2. I promise to send a full update next week on how things are going. I really need to get on things because time is FLYING by! Oh and check out my cankles in the picture below. I thought I would escape that with this pregnancy since I am not pregnant in the summer. I guess not :-/.

In all of it though, I am thankful to God for his blessings and provisions on my life. I haven't been as tired and perhaps that's because of the prescription from my doctor as well as being able to get more sleep due to my shorter commute. YAY!

So here are some pictures from the last week.

My weekly selfie of JOE and I. Gosh, I love this girl! She really is the coolest toddler I know!

Here is one of JOE and her dad. He's playing his video game while she is watching the iPAD. We had just taken down her hair in preparation for her weekly hair routine (washing, condition and braid).

Good Lord, what happened to my ankles? Where did they go??? The new building I work in is a lot bigger than the building from my old job and walking anywhere for meetings is quite a distance. The good thing is that I am getting my walk in. The bad thing is that the walks are LONG and my ankles are crying :-). Good thing tomorrow is Valentine's day. Perhaps I'll be able to get a foot massage out of it ;-).

And how cute is this? JOE asked her dad to "draw a heart for momma". J drew this for her and she came over with her boogie board to give this to me. She melts my heart everytime. She really is the best.

Hope you had a good week. I am hoping to be able to do more than one post per week going forward. Fingers crossed!

Have a Happy Valentine's day and remember to be kind to strangers.  


  1. Glad that your first week went well! I completely agree that working with smart people who are willing to help make the work environment so much more pleasant!

    I hope that you get that massage. You deserve it.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Great to hear your settling into your new job! I totally agree that the people can make or break a job, it's amazing when you're on the right team!
    Good luck with the new nanny too and hope she's as good as and even better than the last one. And the massage... :) x

  3. Happy Valentine's day lady. I really enjoy the weekly selfie of you and JOE.

    Congrats on the new job, I hope it's a better commute. I can't believe that you are in the 3rd trimester. You 2nd daughter will be here before you know it.

    Looking forward to seeing you guys at Bean's birthday party.

  4. Happy Valentine's day to you and your loved one. I'm so happy you're enjoying your new job. I hope you got a good foot massage today :)

  5. Happy belated Valentine's Day!

    I'm glad you're enjoying your new job. A shorter commute is always a plus. Not to mention, you'll save a lot on gas... :)

  6. Yah to new and awesome jobs!! How cute is the heart!! Oh sorry about the ankles...that's thr no fun part about pregnancy

  7. Ouch! I never got swollen ankles during pregnancy but my friend did and it didn't look comfortable at all. Hope you feel more comfortable soon !
    Alex - My Froley


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