
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Giveaway: Where in the world are the 3-Jay? - Week 3 of 3


This is my first giveaway so bare with me. I figured this'll be a fun thing to do. So here are the rules to win.

1. I will only be posting one picture each week.
2. I must not know you IRL (in real life)...family/friends, take note :-)!
3. You can only make one guess (via the comment section) per week. NOTE: I'll need to be able to reach you so make sure your blog name is tied to an email address or web page. :-).
4. You must guess both the city AND country. HINT: It is outside the US.
5. You must be 18 or older to enter.
6. You must live in one of the 50-United States.
7. Only one prize per winner.
8. Winner must claim prize (respond to my email) within 10-days of selection or forgo their winning.
9. Selection will be made via email. See #3 above. I'll need your mailing address to send the gift card. No pay pal transfers please :-).
10. By entering, you are forgoing any rights to sue me. Yes, I have to have this disclaimer. :-)
11. Disclaimer (just for fun). You know how companies always have tiny "small" prints? Well, here's mine. I am in no way affiliated with Starbucks or any of its companies.


  •  The first person to guess the location will receive a $20 Starbucks gift cardNOTE: This will be determined in the order of comments received. I will judge based on the date stamp of your commented post.
  • The second person to guess the location will receive a $15 Starbucks gift cardNOTE: This will be determined in the order of comments received. I will judge based on the date stamp of your commented post.
  • The third person will receive a $10 Starbucks gift cardNOTE: This will be determined in the order of comments received. I will judge based on the date stamp of your commented post.



  1. Hmm, I'm totally unsure about this, but I'm going to say Athens, Greece.

  2. Ugh, I suck ... I thought the last day I would figure it out ... but no. UGH :(

  3. I guess Cancun Mexico. I do not have a blog or web address. But my email is livemybestlife16@gmail.com. Enjoy your vacation.

    1. Thank you for participating. Good guess and you were right. Others had guessed it though :-). I'll have another giveaway in the Fall so be on the lookout for it!

      Thanks for visiting.


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