
Friday, May 9, 2014

Foolery: Things that make me go hmmm...

Yay!!! Its Friday! Now, if only I can figure out a way to extend the weekend so that it'll feel more like 4-days every weekend :-D.

This was interesting. He gave her "a $50,000 parting gift" and changed his mind. I am siding with the judge on this one. I also think it was wrong of him to break off the engagement via text. But without knowing what may have led to it, I guess I shouldn't judge. What's your take on it?

Seriously? There is a drink that costs $1,000? Wow...I don't think I'll ever spend that kind of money on A drink! That just doesn't make sense to me! If I do however win the lotto and am super rich and decide to indulge, that drink better make me skinny, have beautiful long hair and flawless skin. If it can do that, then I'll count it as money well spent :-).

Have a fabulously fun and safe weekend! And remember to be kind to strangers!


  1. I think the judge made a sound decision. I also think it'd be weird to reclaim a ring that has been worn for 3 years, I'd think by then it's definitely hers! I wonder what would happen if a Nigerian couple broke their engagement, but the fiancé had already paid the brideprice and the girl's family had already consumed/used all the stuff? CHAOS!! Lol. Random thoughts - TGIF! Have a lovely weekend dear. :)

    1. I completely agree! No doubt the ring has lost its value. But I guess the man had a change of heart? Lol...his loss :-D.

      Do Nigerian couples break their engagements? LMAO! I think that would be a made for TV moment. I am sure it happens but I don't hear much about it. My folks returned the cash but the goodies was shared.

      Hope you had an awesome weekend and week so far.

  2. You know, I don't hear about it either. Definitely would be a show to watch at least once -lol! My weekend was wonderful, thanks! I hope yours is going great too.

    1. Yeah. Would definitely be more popular than the Real Housewives series! :-). Hope you had a nice weekend!


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