
Monday, November 18, 2013

Say Cheese-y!!!

I hope you all had a nice weekend. We did our first outdoor photo shoot and I love the way the pictures turned out. I will be sure to share them later. For now, here is a delicious pull-apart cheesy biscuit I made yesterday. It was a hit! J loved it as did JOE. I got the recipe from Pinterest.

You'll need 4 things. Biscuits, Any hard cheese of your choice, 1-table spoon of butter and cooking spray for the pan. 

Melt in microwave.

I used the Wal-mart brand biscuit. I got the mini-ones so for this pan, I needed 2 rolls.

Spread each biscuit with your hand and wrap it around the cheese. Then arrange pre-sprayed pan. Use a brush and brush the melted butter over the biscuit rolls.

Bake in 400-degree oven for 16 minutes or until golden brown. Hubby likes his a little crusty.
Serve while still warm. Can be re-heated in the microwave.

This is perfect for the Fall/Winter season. It goes well with tomato or chicken noodle soup or even chilly.



  1. that looks SO good! i will make so soon!

  2. This looks yummy! I'll have to try it. Can't wait to see your family pictures!

  3. oh gosh JJ....you had to do this for me when i am starving!!! looks so good!!!

    1. :-). It is yummy and you can do a low fat version with lower calorie options for the biscuit and cheese!

  4. J - this looks so yummy, I want to try some now

    1. Lol. It was. So easy top. I plan on making it for Thanksgiving.


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