
Friday, November 29, 2013

30-Days of being thankful: Day 28 & 29

Day 28:
I am thankful for Thanksgiving! We had a great feast yesterday with J's parents. It was all very yummy and that sausage stuffing (dish on the far right) was AWESOME!!! I had 3 helpings!!!

Also, every year, our church requests that people make an extra dish to feed to the homeless on Thanksgiving day. I always make desserts because I feel folks could use something sweet on Thanksgiving day :-).

The lemon apple cake was a recipe from Pinterest. It was AWESOME!

The chocolate Confetti cake was made with chocolate and cake confetti mixed in. On top, I added chocolate chips and shaved white chocolate. Yum!!!

Day 29:
After all the eating I did yesterday, I am thankful for challenges! My co-workers and I have been doing the below challenge since the first week in November. I just completed day 18. Feel very accomplished. My jeans are definitely loser around the waist and my arms look more toned! Yay for fitness challenges!!!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to your family. That looks like an awesome feast. Can I please have some of that cake please.

    YAY for fitness challenges, it's all the motivation you need.

    1. Thank you! It was all delicious! Still feasting on left over stuffing. It is just about gone though :-).

      Yes. Loving the challenge so far. On Day 22. Can't wait to be done though. It was fun the first 15-days :-). Now, it is starting to feel like a chore.

  2. Those workout challenges look serious! I can never complete them- it's great that you have been keeping up with it!

    1. They aren't too too bad :-). I was able to complete it all at once until I got to day 15. After that, I had to break it down into 2 parts and as of yesterday, I am now doing them in 3s. Its hard to do sit ups when a baby is trying to sit on my stomach and thinks it is a game :-).

  3. i am so doing this challenge....i need this after the eating and eating!!

    1. Awesome! My friends and I have been checking in with each other on a daily basis. It is a good way to motivate yourself. Perhaps you and hubby can do it together?

      Do post your progress if you decide to do it. :)


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