
Friday, April 26, 2013

Sitting & standing

Its been quite a busy week and I am glad the weekend is upon us. J is almost done with school. He graduates in 2 weeks. Yay!

On Friday evening, JOE started sitting on her own for a few seconds. However, as of Wednesday morning, she is officially sitting on her own. I am so proud of my little princess. 
Here she is, trying to figure out what's in front of her. I was using my iPAD this picture as opposed to my android phone 

She is also trying to stand on her own. She still needs to be held but if I hold her close to me, she will stand for a couple of seconds. Does that mean she'll be crawling or waking soon? Scary!!!

Last night, she decided she wanted to be sprawled out on our bed. She apparently, likes it very much.

And here is my darling handsome husband being silly. I can see this happening in a lot of her future pics. The stuff she can look forward to :-).

Hope you had an awesome week!


  1. Go JOE,she is doing so well, you must be proud. I see some play dates in our future :).

    Your hubby is too funny and JOE is seriosly getting cuter by the minute.

  2. Lol, your hubby's funny.

    JOE is too cute man, look at those cheeks :)


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