
Thursday, April 4, 2013

#ProjectMilf - Week 9 - Wild Card

This week's goal is to challenge ourselves with whatever we want to try and achieve towards our main goals this week.

I want to challenge myself to do at least 3-workouts between today and next week Thursday. Working out has been a challenge for me since having JOE because of my schedule. I get up at 4:30am to pump and then get ready for work. Oftentimes, I don't go to bed until well after 10pm/closer to 11pm so I am not getting enough sleep. This has me groggy most of the day. And since on most mornings, JOE is still sleeping when I leave for work, I want to spend as much time as I can with her after I get back home from work before she goes to bed.
All those things coupled with the fact that I am just outright tired after my workday is over means working out takes a backseat to everything else.

I have always loved working out though and I need to get back to doing this. We are supposed to have a good stretch of nice weather in the next few days so I am hoping that I can get some long walks in, do the Zumba Wii Fit and Zumba Wii Fitness core or Tae Bo to make up my 3-workouts. Wish me luck!

I'd love to see what everyone else is doing this week!


  1. You can do it!

    I'm so upset because I'm trying to take it easy from the gym this week as I was so sick last week but I miss it. I hope I can start again next week :)

    1. Thank you! I hope you are able to get back to working out soon!

  2. Isn't the worst getting back to working out after baby...I go through spurts where I'm all excited about working out then I crash and burn but I'm committing this week too!!! Here's to us. Also love the new layout!!!

    1. It sure is. Its been a challenge and I feel like I keep going in the wrong direction on the scale :-(
      Thanks! I wanted to use a different layout to change things up a bit.

  3. Go J, you can do it.

    I can't believe you wake up at 4:30, you are so brave. I am like you, during the week I don't want to do anything but hang out with my family. Now the weekend is a different story :).

    PS - I am so proud of you for still pumping and keeping up with that.

    1. Yeah. I have to get up early because I like to leave work early. It also works better for us as far as child care goes.

      Thank you! I started dropping pumps though. I am down to 5 ppd. Looking forward to August when I completely drop all pumps. I am currently 2-months ahead so JOE will have enough milk for a year. YAY!!!

  4. J you can do it, i am here to cheer you up. even 10 minutes walk is a workout or playing on the floor while lifting up JOE is a workout, so I am sure you are getting some workout done.

    glad you are committing to workout this week.

    1. Thank you! I am looking forward to getting back into some sort of workout routine. Right now, it is more a take it as I can get it approach.

  5. You can do this!!!!

    On another note, you sleep at 10-11 and are up at 4.30 to pump and get ready for work? That in itself is inspiring and motivating (I need to get up earlier and study). Go J!

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will definitely try!

      I hate getting up early but I do like leaving work early so that's the compromise.


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