
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And so it begins...the life of a mom...

I always took the term ”working mom” for granted. That is until I became one.
Today was my first day back in the office. Even though I started work back on January 8th, I was only teleworking 20-hours/week from home so I got to see my baby during my breaks.
For the first time since I had JOE, I will be away from her for close to 11-hours.
The thought breaks my heart and even though I had the whole month of January to get used to the idea, it was still hard kissing her this morning and telling her I'd see her later. I know I will spend the day wondering how she is doing and if she is happy. I really will need strength from God to get me through the day.
I tried to get as much as I could done last night in preparation for my first day back. My biggest fear was that I'd forget my breast pump. Thankfully, I didn't.
I now have 3 bags to carry to work. My pump bag, my other bag with my shoes & lunch and my handbag. Yup...I am officially the bag lady.
For the moms who work outside your home, if you have any tips for how to cope with the first days/weeks back to work, please share.
Have an awesome Tuesday!


  1. I've been back to work for nearly three weeks. It's hard. Between the exhaustion, getting everything ready, and pumping, I feel like the whole day is just a blur. Being away from my kids isn't easy, but I find that it does make me appreciate the time that I do get to spend with them more. And we really cherish the weekends.

    I leave my double pump at work (I have a single at home) and just carry the cooler with bottles/milk at home. I take it home every weekend so I can deep clean it. I still have two bags though, my purse and my shoes/lunch. But at least I don't have to lug a pump around. :-)

    Once you find your groove, it'll be fine. Just remember to be patient with yourself and find "you" time.

    Happy first day back at work!!!

    1. Hey there Mrs. V. How have you been? How are your babies doing? The newest one and the older one? Haven't seen you blogging in a while. Hope all is well.

      Thank you! I purchased a pump before I had JOE and then just ordered one through insurance so now I can have one at work and at home. Then to compound matters, I forgot my pump at home yesterday so I went out and got a single electric one. So now I have 3 pumps. I will put the single electric in the car for emergencies.
      The week wasn't too too bad. I hear the second week might be harder so I am mentally preparing myself for it.
      I am looking forward to spending lots of time with her this weekend. Have an awesome weekend and thanks for stopping by!

  2. I'm still a long ways away from the day I have to leave my baby and go to work but I already know it's going to be super hard for me :( Let me know if you find something that helps

    {love jenny xoxo}

    1. I think mentally preparing myself is what helped me this week. And planning the night before. My husband has also been very helpful in the mornings and leaving home while he is there makes it a lot easier cause I feel like its a smoother transition for her.

  3. Happy First day back at work. I know it must be hard, but God will give you strength!! I like the comment about two pumps, I think that's a great idea! Also I know people who prepare their meals for the week on Sunday. And I have a friend at work that gets a daily video of her baby sent to her iphone so that she can watch it during her lunch break. I'm sure you'll get a routine going and then you'll be able to share with me when it's my turn in August!

    1. Thank you! I ended up with 3 pumps. I purchased one, got one from insurance and had to buy another yesterday when I forgot my pump at home. Needless to say, I think I am all set for a while :-).
      The week wasn't too bad. I get pictures throughout the day so that's helped and leaving her with her dad in the mornings has helped me because its not like we're both leaving her at once. Her dad stays with her for a couple of hours longer in the mornings.

  4. I hope it will get easier but I have a feeling that it never does. I can only imagine that it is very difficult to leave her sweet face.

    1. It was but I think coming back to work was the right decision for me. I MISS her a ton but being around other adults was also important for me. Its a good balance so far.

  5. I am so sorry that this day is here for you. This is probably the hardest (emotional) thing to do. You never get over it but it does get easier particularly once they start to communicate and can tell you things about their day. Until then, feel free to cry your heart out, it does give a little peace.

    By the way, I am a total bag lady too :). almost 6 months down, only 6 more to go

    1. Aww...thanks Pegster. I am sure it will get easier eventually. Some say the second week is harder so I am trying to emotionally and mentally prepare myself for it.
      You really are a CHAMP with the year long commitment. Right now, I am committing to 6-months and will take it month to month from there.

  6. Aww, thats definitely something im not looking foward to when I become a mommy. Hope ur day went well!

    Thats a lot of bags!

    1. Lol...it got easier with each day this week. I plan on bringing and leaving a pump at work. Not sure I like the multiple bags thing. They are heavy and bulky.

  7. It took me awhile to get used to the bags too!! Using Skype to see the baby was really helpful...having a lot of cuddles in the morning before work and after work helps! But it's hard generally...just know JOE is well cared for and she will hug and kiss on you when you return home!

    1. Thank you! We are trying to find a rhythm. So far this week with the exception of the day I left my pump at home and had to buy another, everything has been going smoothly. Praying it continues to.


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