
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My weekend and count down...

First weekend recap...Saturday was relaxing. J & I had a couple of friends over. I decided to cook dinner. I made some rice, cooked spinach stew, fried plantains and fried tilapia. Our friends are on a 6-week fast from dairy products. I didn't realize that also included all animal products. So J and I had quite a bit of leftover food since they couldn't eat much. They did oblige us and ate some food. They typically enjoy my cooking so I hope to have them over again after they are done with their fast. Besides, they were here to see baby JOE. She loved every minute of it.

On Sunday, we went back to church for the first time. We got up at 7am to make it to church for the 10am service. I was scheduled to teach Sunday school to 6 & 7 year olds. We were very late! We got there at 10:30am. Since it was our first Sunday back to church, we weren't too hard on ourselves. We have figured out what we can do next week to make sure we are not late.
I missed the kids! A lot of them are all grown up and most of the kids were new to my class. Made me realize that time FLIES even when you're not keeping track of it!

On Monday, we spent the day packing and also watching the inauguration. Regardless of who you voted for, it was a momentous occasion and hubby and I were really happy to see history be made for the second time.

The count down has officially begun. I go back to work full time on February 4th. I started working part time (20-hours) on January 8th but I was working from home. I go back in the office on February 5th since Monday the 4th is a telework day for me.

With each passing day, I find myself missing JOE more even though I still get to see her all day most days. I worry about the things I'll miss and I worry about her thinking I have abandoned her every time I leave home for work. I am thankful I will be teleworking on Mondays which means I will only be away from her 4-days a week but I am still will miss her a lot.

I love the last pic of hubby and JOE. They had just spent the time playing while I got ready for church.
Also, JOE has discovered her hand! Se keeps trying to fit it in her myth. So cute!

Hope you had an awesome weekend!


  1. JOE is so cute. What state do you guys live in?

  2. She is such a little cutie!! I wouldn't want to be away from that face either.

    It was so nice to watch the inauguration. I felt so inspired :).

    1. Thank you!

      Watching the inauguration is definitely inspiring!

  3. i am so sorry you have to leave her because of work. i am sure she will not think your abandoning her, plus when you see her you will have such lovely time together. i hope you won't feel the pain too much.

    a big hug to all of you :)

  4. Awww, so sorry about having to go back to work. It feels like just yesterday u had JOE, can't believe you are already going back. I'm sure she won't think u have abandoned her. Praying for a smooth transission for you! :)

    1. Thank you! Yup...it's been 11 weeks since she made me a mom. Time sure flies!!!

  5. She is such a darling angel!!
    I already dread that time when I have to go back to work, so I can imagine how you're feeling! But in the end I know it will all work out and you'll both be fine!! Your new house is beautiful! I bet you can't wait to move in! Very exciting!! Hope you are all staying warm!! Not sure how far you are from me but it's FREEZING in NYC!!!

    1. We are staying indoors for the most part. It is cold here but not as cold as NYC.

  6. She is a beauty! And I'm sure she will totally understand mommy's temporary coming back. I can't say leaving, because you'll be back ;]. Glad that packing went smoothly and I'm very excited about all that your family has in store.

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. Awww...thank you for those encouraging words and thanks for visiting my blog. Off to check yours now!

  7. Awwwww, she is such a beauty. That pic of her sleeping is priceless. Going back to work was the hardest thing ever. I just want to let you know that it gets better. The time at home just goes by too quickly. Enjoy your last days at home full time with JOE.

    1. Thank you! I definitely will have to mentally prepare myself for the back to work blues. Hopefully, I can Facetime with her while at work :-).

  8. She's so gorgeous! Hang in there Momma. You'll be on a more regular schedule soon.

  9. Such a cutie pie!! Getting ourselves ready for church definitely is a process but kudos for getting there!

    1. Thank you! We actually need like 3 hours to get ready in order to be there at a decent time.


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